Take a look at the original Solar Geometry drawing for Mercury, Venus and Earth is as follows:
(Click on picture for enlargement and explanation)
Note how the key points of this geometry coincide with the Djed of ancient Egypt, associated with the chief god of creation.
The nine green dots along the vertical line at the center are, from bottom to top:
0.000000000, | Origin, Sun center |
0.7928932188 | Perihelion Mercury |
1.000000000 | Mean radial distance of orbit, Mercury |
1.207106781 | Aphelion, Mercury |
1.366025404 | Sqrt mean radial distance of orbit, Venus |
1.414213563 | Sqrt diameter of orbit, Mercury |
1.596570733 | Venus^.75, sqrt time of orbit, Venus |
1.866025404 | Mean radial distance of orbit of Venus |
2.583305712, | Mean radial distance of orbit of Earth |
Notice how the Venus^.75 arc touches exactly at the tips of the longer “horns”. These horns seem to make 2 and a half front to back revolutions. The smaller horns make one each. Venus takes, very approximately, 2 and a half Mercury revolutions to make one revolution of its own, perhaps another yet symbolic representation of this relationship.
Also, the root 2 arcs from the two sides meet exactly between the eyes of the Djed, and the Sqrt Venus point is perfectly set at the eyebrows. There are lots of other fine points. This figure is thousand of years old.
These artifacts are what Gurdjieff called “legominisms:” conquerer-proof, history-proof, and prepared for certain eventual rediscovery by those somehow attuned to the eternal. Are these positions the basis for an ancient enlightened science that was an enlightened religion as well?