Is our solar system the product of chance or Divine design? Has our Earth-centered view of the solar system masked the unique mathematical relationships that exist between the planets? If, instead of Earth, you use Mercury, the first planet, as the basis for measuring planetary distances and periods of orbit around the Sun, you get these relationships:
Planet | Distance from the sun in km (000) |
Distance where Mercury equals 1 |
Period where Mercury equals 1 |
Mercury | 57,910 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
Venus | 108,200 | 1.8660 | 2.5490 |
Earth | 149,600 | 2.5833 | 4.1521 |
Mars | 227,940 | 3.9365 | 7.8101 |
Jupiter | 778,330 | 13.4399 | 49.2714 |
When Mercury = 1, the relationships are unveiled
Curiously, these measures reveal some very unusual relationships between the planets that are hidden when using the Earth as the basic unit of measure:
( Earth ⁴ / Venus ³ ) + ( Venus ³ / Earth ⁴ ) = 7
( Mars ⁴ / Earth ³ ) + ( Earth ³ / Mars ⁴ ) = 14
Earth ¾ * ( √1 + √2 + √3 + √6 ) = Jupiter
Relationships exist in orbital periods as well
The relationships between the planets also extend to the periods of orbital rotation, like the workings of a precisely calibrated clock:
Distance of the Earth = √ Period of Venus * Phi
Distance of Mars = √ Period of Earth * √ Diameter of Venus’ Orbit
Note: Phi is equal to 1.6180339…, the number behind the Golden Section or Divine Proportion, found in almost every proportion of the human body.
Elegant geometries relate the planets
We find too that the distances and periods of the planets can be represented by very fundamental, but elegant, geometric constructions of circles, triangles and squares:

Mercury = 1

Mercury * (½ ( √3 + 1 )) ² = Venus

Venus ¾ * (½ ( √5 + 1 )) = Earth

Earth ¾ * (½ ( √6 + √2 )) = Mars

Mars * ( √2 + 2 ) = Jupiter
Note too that the angles in these geometries use the most fundamental divisions of a circle into 4, 6 and 12 sections (i.e., sections of 90º, 60º and 30º in measure), and the most fundamental integer numbers in their construction.
Even the Moon reveals a highly unusual relationship
Total solar eclipses are possible only because of a unique relationship between the Sun and the Moon, which is 400 times closer to the Earth than the Sun, but also 400 times smaller than the Sun.
The relationship to Kepler’s Law
Kepler’s laws of planetary motion tell us that the distance of each planet is related to its own orbital period, but is there any natural reason for one planet’s orbit to be related like this to any other?
Could all these relationships have happened by mere coincidence, or is this a glimpse into the mind of God in His design of the solar system?
Explore the evidence in more depth on the pages to follow.
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. (Proverbs 25:2)